
Connect with a Huddle near you!

 A live map is below to zero in on the counties we currently serve. Scroll past the map to see EVERY location in each county. You can even click on the school to email the adult huddle leader for that school!

*Individual Huddle Locations with email contacts are listed below.

These are best viewed on a desktop, laptop or tablet; mobile devices do not display it correctly.

A certified small group bible study/devotion for coaches and athletes.

District 8 FCA Huddle Locations

A certified small group bible study/devotion for coaches and athletes.

District 8 FCA Huddle Locations

A certified small group bible study/devotion for coaches and athletes.

District 8 FCA Huddle Locations

Seneca County Schools Shelby County Schools Van Wert County Schools
Seneca East Anna Lincolnview
Tiffin Columbian Botkins Van Wert
Fort Loramie
Jackson Center
Sidney Christian Academy
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